Archive for January, 2012

What is a PDI (Predisposition Interview)?

PDI stands for Pre-Disposition Interview. It is a common plea agreement in Livingston County whereby the Defendant pleads guilty as charged and then goes to probation for an interview.

The probation department then prepares a report based on the interview and gives recommendations for the Defendant’s sentencing.   A couple of weeks after the probation interview the Defendant is sentenced in front of a Judge.

The Judge will read the probation report and the attorneys will argue for their respective clients. The Judge will then sentence the Defendant at which time they have the opportunity to either accept or reject the sentence and can proceed to trial.

A PDI gives the Defendant a look at what the Judge was going to give for his sentence and the opportunity to withdraw his plea and proceed to trial.

Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is meant to be general, informative and educational. It should not be taken as specific legal advice to any particular problem or issue. Please consult an attorney personally to discuss your particular circumstances.

I believe my ex-spouse is harming the children or placing them in harm’s way during visitations. What can or should I do

If you feel your children are in immediate danger then you should contact the local police authorities.

If you feel there is a longer-term issue, but is not an immediate threat you need to contact CPS (Child Protective Services) and file a formal complaint.

If you believe the ex-spouse is drinking or abusing drugs while they are caring for the children, it is wise to obtain as much information as possible about the situation and then file a complaint.

However filing a complaint with either the local police authorities or CPS can create a very challenging situation because it could put the child or children in the middle of the situation potentially forcing them to testify against a parent.

For this reason, I would strongly advise you seek counsel prior to making any rash decisions unless the child or children are in immediate danger.

Child custody situations are heartbreaking for all parties involved and rarely have an easy solution. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions.

Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is meant to be general, informative and educational. It should not be taken as specific legal advice to any particular problem or issue. Please consult an attorney personally to discuss your particular circumstances.

Are there substance abuse groups and resources in the Livingston County area?

If you are dealing with substance abuse, I would urge you to seek help from one of the many resources available to you in the Livingston County area. There are  many fantastic people and organizations out there that want to help and your chances of succeeding with help are far greater than alone.

Here is a list of some of the resources available to you for drug or alcohol related issues. In-patient treatment facilities are also available, but are more expensive. In some cases, funding may be available to you to enter one of these programs especially if a Judge is involved and has recommended a specific program.


Phone: 517-546-9350

Complete Counseling Center

Phone: 517-546-4445

The Naz

Phone: 810-227-6600

Livingston County Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Phone: 585-243-9210

Community of Mental Health Services

Emergency Services Phone: (517) 546-4126

Non-Emergency Toll Free Phone: (800) 615-1245

Remember to be kind to yourself and that there are people out there who want to help and know what you are going through.

Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is meant to be general, informative and educational. It should not be taken as specific legal advice to any particular problem or issue. Please consult an attorney personally to discuss your particular circumstances.