Archive for July, 2012

What happens if someone dies without a Will or Trust?

If someone passes away without any legal documents, there are specific statutes that apply that determine how the assets are distributed.  The problem of not having a Will or Trust is that the disbursement of assets and the payment of debts is taken out of the hands of the deceased and decided solely by the court system.  This can be a huge issue if there are multiple marriages and or step-children because the statutes don’t always adequately take care of biological children or step-children upon a second marriage.   It is always better to have a Will or a Trust so  your assets are distributed in the manner that you deem best without the Court system making all of the decisions that you may not have wanted.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or to set up a free consultation.

Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.

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