Archive for August, 2012

What is an Early Intervention Conference (EIC)?

Typically when someone files for divorce, it can take months for the formal order to be decided that will outline what the parties can do before the divorce is finalized. In Livingston County, there is a program where an attorney will act as a facilitator to assist the parties in their divorce prior to the formal order being determined, called the Early Intervention Conference (EIC).

This EIC is set up so the attorney can set up interim orders that outline the party’s rights and duties to each other until the divorce is final.

The EIC will help establish some sense of normalcy and get the parties to agree on certain issues during the pending divorce case.

Most divorces take 6 months to a year to complete making the EIC necessary in many situations.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or to set up a free consultation.

Marcus D. Wilcox