Archive for April, 2013

Why isn’t everybody charged when an incident occurs?

This is a common question that many defendants ask when they are charged with a crime and others are involved, but not charged at the time.  The prosecutors office and/or the State of Michigan are the only entities that can charge somebody with a criminal offense and they get to use their discretion.  Sometimes they don’t charge all the parties because they want to target one specific crime or person.  This isn’t always fair and it upsets the parties but it can be done.  Sometimes the prosecutor will not charge someone with a crime because they want to use them as a witness in either the same incident or another case.  This helps their witnesses’ credibility if the case goes to trial.  It unfortunately is not always fair, but it can and is done on occasion by the issuing agencies.

Attorney at Law, esq.

Summer Drunk Driving Statistics

As the summer approaches, more and more people will take advantage of the summer holidays and travel to visit friends and family. Unfortunately, summer is also one of the deadliest times to be on the road.

The U.S. Department of Transportation cites the holidays of Labor Day, Independence Day and Memorial Day as some of the most dangerous times to be driving. They trail only Thanksgiving in terms of the number of accidents and deaths on the road. Since 1982, each of these summer holidays has averaged over 500 traffic fatalities. The number of alcohol related deaths during this same time period has nearly doubled.Drunk Driving Wilcox Law

Overall Decline in the Number of Fatalities

Since 1982, the overall number of alcohol-related driving fatalities in the United States has decreased precipitously from over 26,000 per year to around 13,000. In 1982, 60 percent of all traffic fatalities were caused by drivers with a blood alcohol content over .08%, the current legal limit. In 2008, that number had dropped to just 37 percent. Since 2002, all 50 states have had laws in place making it illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content that is 0.08 percent or higher.

Despite this decline, law enforcement continues to make DUI enforcement one of its top priorities. During busy holiday weekends, police increase the number of patrols and DUI checkpoints. If you spot a suspected drunk driver on the road, it is recommended that you call the nearest state patrol or law enforcement agency with as much information about the vehicle and your location as possible.
Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.

Walk a Mile In Her Shoes- April 20th

Whether you realize it or not, sexual assault and abuse is a very real problem in Livingston County.

Come out on Saturday, April 20th for LACASA’s Walk a Mile In Her Shoes event which will raise funds and awareness about sexual assault and gender violence.

LACASA protects, advocates for and empowers victims and survivors of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. It assists hundreds of innocent victims and their families each year as they learn to cope with—and courageously heal from—trauma and heartache.

LACASA’s Walk a Mile in Her Shoes® event is held every April during National Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Walkers secure pledge donations from family, friends and coworkers to make the mile-long walk in women’s shoes — from high-heeled boots and fashionable pumps to fuzzy slippers and anything in between.

So come out this spring to support your local community.

Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.

Warmer months bring on more drunk driving incidents

Here in Michigan I know everyone is excited to see warmer weather, myself included. Unfortunately the spring and summer months also tend to bring an increased number of drunk driving incidents. Memorial Day is the official start of summer.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 397 people died over the three-day weekend in 2010, the latest year for which data is available. Of those crashes, 40 percent were alcohol-related.

The NIAAA pamphlet, “Rethinking Holiday Drinking,” recommends that people who do decide to drink should not have more than one drink per hour.

So as you start to enjoy the coming warmer months, remember to be safe and smart about how you decide to ring in the summer.

Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.
