Archive for September, 2013

DUI Indicators- According to the Police

The National Highway Traffic Administration has conducted research to help determine what police officers look for to identify drunk drivers. Contrary to what you might think, speeding is not a clue of insobriety. This is because studies show that a person who speeds often exhibits signs of heightened awareness in the form of quicker judgment and reflexes.

Drunk Driving Indicators

The higher the clue is on the list, the higher the probability of impairment. This information certainly isn’t to help you avoid getting caught, but to help you realize they are looking for any indication you are driving impaired and it’s incredibly difficult to game the system.

  1. Turning with a wide radius
  2. Straddling center of lane marker
  3. “Appearing to be drunk”
  4. Almost striking object or vehicle
  5. Weaving
  6. Driving on other than designated highway
  7. Swerving
  8. Speed more than 10 mph below limit
  9. Stopping without reason in traffic lane
  10. Following too closely
  11. Drifting
  12. Tires on center or lane marker
  13. Braking erratically
  14. Driving into opposing or crossing traffic
  15. Signaling inconsistent with driving actions
  16. Slow response to traffic signals
  17. Stopping inappropriately
  18. Turning abruptly or illegally
  19. Accelerating or decelerating rapidly
  20. Driving with headlights off

Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is meant to be general, informative and educational. It should not be taken as specific legal advice to any particular problem or issue. Please consult an attorney personally to discuss your particular circumstances.