Posts Tagged ‘ PBT ’

Are there substance abuse groups and resources in the Livingston County area?

If you are dealing with substance abuse, I would urge you to seek help from one of the many resources available to you in the Livingston County area. There are  many fantastic people and organizations out there that want to help and your chances of succeeding with help are far greater than alone.

Here is a list of some of the resources available to you for drug or alcohol related issues. In-patient treatment facilities are also available, but are more expensive. In some cases, funding may be available to you to enter one of these programs especially if a Judge is involved and has recommended a specific program.


Phone: 517-546-9350

Complete Counseling Center

Phone: 517-546-4445

The Naz

Phone: 810-227-6600

Livingston County Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Phone: 585-243-9210

Community of Mental Health Services

Emergency Services Phone: (517) 546-4126

Non-Emergency Toll Free Phone: (800) 615-1245

Remember to be kind to yourself and that there are people out there who want to help and know what you are going through.

Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is meant to be general, informative and educational. It should not be taken as specific legal advice to any particular problem or issue. Please consult an attorney personally to discuss your particular circumstances.

Have a safe New Year’s Eve- drunk driving advice.

As many people know, New Year’s Eve can be a dangerous time to be behind the wheel of a car whether  you have been drinking or not. People understandable want to go out and have a good time to ring in the New Year, but unfortunately many do not take the necessary precautions and plan ahead to make sure they have a way of safely getting home. Deaths typically shoot up about 150 percent during the holidays, as intoxicated revelers get behind the wheel.

Here are a few sobering statistics about drunk driving that might make you think twice about driving even after a few this year:

• One person is killed every half-hour due to drunk driving
• Each year approximately 16,000 are killed in alcohol related crashes
• Alcohol is a factor in almost half of all traffic fatalities
• Every other minute a person is seriously injured in an alcohol related crash

In an earlier post, I addressed the common question of whether or not you are required to take a PBT (Preliminary Breath Test) or breathalyzer, when they get pulled over for drunk driving.

The short answer is yes. Holding a Michigan driver’s license implies that you will consent to a PBT if pulled over by law enforcement. Refusing the breathalyzer will cause your license to be revoked for one year.

So this New Year, please plan ahead so that you don’t find yourself in a position at the end of the night where you have the opportunity to make a poor decision. Have contact information for local cab companies, designate a driver or consider staying in this New Year’s Eve.

Have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve!

Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is meant to be general, informative and educational. It should not be taken as specific legal advice to any particular problem or issue. Please consult an attorney personally to discuss your particular circumstances.

Am I required to take a breathalyzer/ PBT if I get pulled over?

Many people ask me if they are required to take a PBT (Preliminary Breath Test)  or breathalyzer, as its most commonly called, when they get pulled over for suspected drunk driving.

The short answer is yes. Holding a Michigan driver’s license implies that you will consent to a PBT if pulled over by law enforcement. Refusing the breathalyzer will cause your license to be revoked for one year.

However, there is no legal obligation to take the field sobriety tests that are sometimes administered. Field sobriety tests can include things such as repeating your ABCs/ the alphabet test, walking a straight line or an eye test where the police officer will ask you to follow his finger with your eyes as he moves it from side to side.

So, although there are people who will tell you that you can refuse the breathalyzer at the scene, it is simply not true without incurring severe consequences.

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions:

Marcus D. Wilcox

Attorney at Law, esq.

DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this website is meant to be general, informative and educational. It should not be taken as specific legal advice to any particular problem or issue. Please consult an attorney personally to discuss your particular circumstances.